The following terms and conditions apply to your application to sponsor and/or exhibit. You as the sponsoring/exhibiting organisation accept these terms and conditions when completing the online Sponsorship and Exhibition Booking form. USANZ or the Meeting Managers do not accept responsibility for any errors, omissions or changes. Details may change without notice. Please refer to the individual section meeting sponsorship prospectus for more information. 

All prices are quoted in Australian Dollars and include GST.

  • No sponsor/exhibitor marketing will commence until an online booking form is completed and full payment is received 
  • The preferred method of payment is via credit card (MasterCard or Visa). Payments using Amex incur a 1.8% fee. If paying via EFT, invoices are strictly 14 days 
  • If you pay by electronic funds transfer or an international cheque you agree to pay any bank charges and must include these in the amount you transfer. 
  • All exhibition staff (complimentary or otherwise) must be registered
  • Exhibition space will be allocated strictly in order of level of sponsorship, completion of application form and receipt of payment; the organisers reserve the right to amend the exhibition floorplan to accommodate number of exhibits or venue operational requirements 
  • No private functions separate to Section meeting functions are allowed unless approved in advance by the Meeting Managers.
  • Sponsors are responsible for arranging appropriate insurance cover in connection with their attendance at the conference, including loss, theft & liability. USANZ is not liable for any loss, liability or damage to personal property 
  • Inclusion in printed material is subject to sponsor / exhibitor confirmation and payment prior to print deadlines 
  • The sale of all sponsorship packages is subject to approval by USANZ. USANZ reserves the right to decline applications and their decision will be final. 
  • You may not assign, share, sub-let, or grant licences for the whole or part of the exhibit without USANZ’s prior approval. 
  • Meeting Managers reserve the right to direct you to remove any display items they deem as unacceptable. 
  • You must conduct business only from within the confines of your exhibit. You may not tout, or place any material, outside your exhibit causing obstruction of the aisles.
  • You will be responsible for any reasonable costs of repairing the booth or premises should you paint, mark or damage any fixtures or fabric or furniture. 
  • Food, beverage or prohibited items are not permitted at the event unless prior arrangements are made with Meeting Managers. 
  • Any supplier you use on site must conform to the venue’s OH&S, insurance and other regulations. 
  • You are solely responsible for any physical loss or damage to your own property. 
  • You must hold a current broadform liability insurance policy for a minimum of $20,000,000. Please forward your public liability certificate to the Meeting Managers at least four weeks prior. 
  • Entry to the venue will be denied if you have not provided this information. If you are unable to organise insurance cover as required, please contact the organisers to discuss options. 
  • All sponsorship must be paid in full prior to the conference 
  • Cancellations prior to 31 July 2024 will be refunded less 50% of the purchase price; cancellations on or after 31 July 2024 will incur a 100% cancellation fee; all cancellations must be made in writing to the Organisers 
  • Your non-payment does not cancel your contractual obligations to USANZ. Non-payment of cancellation charges may result in inability to exhibit at future events


  • The extent of refunds will be a matter for the host organisation (the underwriter) to decide.
  • The organisers have the right to change the method of delivery of the event if circumstances outside of USANZ’s control prevent the meeting from going ahead. The Meeting could change from in-person to virtual and the extent of refunds or adjustments to sponsorship fees will be a matter for the host organisation (the underwriter) to decide.


The sponsoring/exhibiting organisation indemnifies the Organisers and its employees, directors, officers, agents and affiliates against any claim, liability, damages, losses, judgement and expense (including reasonable legal fees and court costs) arising out of or resulting from any negligence by the sponsoring/exhibiting organisation and its employees, officers, directors, agents or affiliates. 


  • Your application to sponsor or exhibit does not constitute an attendee registration. 
  • All exhibition staff must be registered either as a complimentary/included exhibitor registration, or by purchasing additional exhibitor registrations. 

Subject to IMPLIED WARRANTIES clause, you and your servant’s agents and contractors occupy and use the Event exhibit allotted under this Agreement and enter the Venue and act under or pursuant to this Agreement at your own risk. You hereby indemnify and release the Organisers against all actions, suits, costs, claims and demands brought against the Organisers by any person, firm or corporation for any damage or loss caused directly or indirectly to or suffered by any person, firm or corporation as a result of your act or default or resulting directly or indirectly from your attendance at the Venue including travel to and from such venues. Without limiting the foregoing the Organisers shall not in any circumstances be liable for any loss damage or injury which may occur to you or a third party, or for any damage to your property including damage to exhibits, plant, equipment, fixtures, fittings or other property whatsoever or for any loss of profits which they may suffer howsoever caused. You must maintain adequate insurance to cover the cost of any loss you suffer in relation to your equipment, exhibits or display material or other property used in connection with your attendance at the Event. 


In the event any statute implies any term condition or warranty into this Agreement which cannot be lawfully excluded, such terms will apply to this Agreement, save that the liability of the Organiser for breach of any such implied term will be limited, at the option of the Organiser, to any one or more of the following: 
  • the replacement of goods or re-supply of services to which the breach relates or the supply of equivalent goods or services;
  • the repair of such goods; 
  • the payment of the cost of replacing the goods or of acquiring equivalent goods or equivalent services; or 
  • the payment of the cost of having the goods repaired.


The Organisers will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss suffered in connection with this Agreement. 


You must comply with all instructions relating to the security of the Venue issued by the Venue Managers. The Organisers take no responsibility for any damage to or for the loss or destruction of an exhibit from fire or theft or accidents or injury resulting from such causes. If the Organiser and Venue Manager provide you with written approval, you may engage your own security staff at your own cost. 


You must observe the conditions, rules, regulations and procedures of the Organisers in relation to the Event and the Venue, which are available for inspection on request. 


The Organiser, in its complete discretion, may vary the exhibit/floor plan or exhibit space allocation and you must accept such re-allocation without any claim for a reduction in charges or otherwise. 


The Organiser shall determine the hours during which the Event shall be conducted and the times you will be able to access the Venue.


  • Your name and contact information, including electronic address, may be used by parties directly related to the event such as the organisers and approved stakeholders, for relevant purposes such as promotion, networking, and administration of this, and future events of this type. If you do not consent, please advise the Meeting Managers. 
  • In addition, your name, organisation and country/ state of origin may be published on the delegate list which is provided to delegates, exhibitors and sponsors electronically. If you do not wish your details to be included in this list, please contact us. 

Agreement means these terms and conditions together with this Sponsorship and Exhibition Prospectus and any individual Sponsorship and Exhibition booking form and individual Sponsorship and Exhibition prospectus for each Section Meeting. 
Event means Individual Section Meetings as listed in this Prospectus 
Fees means the fee payable by you to the Organiser as set out in the published prospectus or in subsequent correspondence. 
Meeting Managers means Professional Conference Organisers that coordinate each State Section Meeting 
You includes your agents, and contractors. 
Venue means the premises of the Venue Owner at which the Event is being held. 
Organisers means USANZ and the Meeting Managers. 
Exhibit means the booth or table or floor space assigned to the sponsor by the Organisers for exhibiting at the Event, as outlined in the sponsorship prospectus for each Meeting

Contact Us


+61 7 3366 2205