
Abstract Format

All submitted abstracts MUST follow the guidelines as set by the Scientific Program Committee to be accepted.

The abstract should provide sufficient information to allow the reader to assess fully the aims, methods, results and implications of the work undertaken. The abstract should include the following sections:

  • Introduction – the purpose of the study and a brief overview of relevant literature/current state of research in the field
  • Methods – a short explanation of data collection and processing
  • Results – presented in the form of text, graphics or tables
  • Discussion – major findings and conclusions from the work including implications for further research.

It is important that methods and results are clearly defined in the abstract; therefore, general statements such as "results will be presented" are not acceptable.


  • Abstracts must be written within a 160 mm x 245 mm rectangular space on an A4 page (210 mm x 297 mm)
  • Portrait orientation
  • Margins are all to be 2cm
  • Text should be single spaced
  • Font should be Calibri typeface and 11 point character size

Title and Author

Each of the below need to be included at the top of the abstract, each on a new line:

  • The title (upper case)
  • The name(s) of the author(s) – please omit university degrees and titles
  • The name of the presenter to be underlined
  • Affiliation(s), city and country – please omit street address and postcode
  • Leave two lines before commencing the body of the text

Section Headings & Paragraph

  • The title of each section is to be in uppercase bold and left justified
  • Leave a 6-space indentation at the beginning of each new paragraph. Leave a 1 line space between each paragraph
  • Graphs, tables and references may be used throughout the abstract but must remain within the defined one-page limit

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